The Rose and Crown kicked off the 2008-09 St.
Albans Darts Winter League with an impressive 6-2 win away at
"Smack my Bitch up" played at 102 decibels to an all but empty venue in which it was just as difficult to hear yourself speak as it was to breach the security system to enter the venue.
In fact one could argue that the security system was in place to stop those already inside from leaving rather than preventing the throngs of thirsty people outside from getting in!!
Heaven forbid that someone who is "
not from round 'ere" should stumble
accidentally upon this place and dare ask for half a lager. One could almost imagine the welcome from the disgruntled group of regulars and committee members who vote unanimously to sentence the hapless passer by to "death by carrot
crunching"! So it was little surprise when the home side, facing defeat after impressive performances by Kevin Woods (on his winter league debut for the visitors) Paul
Muliins, Tony Scott and John
Goode, were forced to bring out the carrotsand celery sticks, loaded with a sour cream and chive dip in a vain attempt to salvage
something from a miserable start to the season. Unfazed the below strength, the visitors dodged the crudites and romped to victory, Kevin Woods laying down his marker to the skipper and firing a warning shot to the absent Tom Wilson and Neil Crosby, with another
accomplished performance in the singles to put the game beyond the home side and setting up Paul Mullins to secure the victory.